Monday, 2 September 2013


I put in my first complaint on the 25th July 2013. I phoned the Colchester number at 10.45am. I listed my complaints and was told someone would phone me back ASAP.

I checked up on my complaint on the 29th July 2013 at 11.30am.  This time I called the Clacton number. The person hadnt heard of my complaint (do they get so many?) but I was told someone would phone me back ASAP.

I was called by Nippers on the 29th July 2013 at 2pm. All of my complaints were refuted, Steve was robustly defended. Apparently he had never been complained about before but my complaint would stay on file for the future. The trip to London was by mutual agreement. They weren't going to do anything about him. I extended my complaint to the fact that Nippers were offering a service (intensive driving course, test standard in 40 hours) and had failed to meet their obligation. They had also failed to find an appropriate instructor or ensure that he was doing a good job. I was told that I had received tuition so that was the end of it as far as they were concerned. They offered me Steve's mobile number and told me to take it up with him.

I have to admit to not sending my complaint letter to them as promised. I was waiting until I had passed my test. It will be done and I will share their response on here.

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